ASP .Net 1.0: This is the first version of ASP .Net framework. It was developed keeping the object oriented programming approach in the mind. It has all the features that any object oriented programming language would have features like inheritance, encapsulation, encryption etc are present in ASP .Net 1.0 version. It also supports reusability concept and polymorphism technology. Moreover data binding and other features are also present in ASP .Net 1.0 framework. This give an awesome platform to all ASP .Net developers to write object oriented web applications using a framework.
ASP .Net 1.1: In ASP .Net 1.1, the dot net developers got a new feature for mobile controls. It was released on 24th April, 2003. This version was come along with windows server 2003 and visual studio .net 2003 version. ASP .Net web developers then got a weapon for developing modern web applications using visual studio 2003. This version of ASP .Net has the facility to automatic input validation for the web forms.
ASP .Net 2.0: It was released on 7th November, 2005 along with visual web developer express edition, visual studio 2005 and the latest SQL server 2005. It has given some significant new features to the web developers or the ASP .Net developers to develop enterprise standard web applications. It has features like formview data control, grid view control, navigation controls, login controls etc. Moreover, .net remoting, XML and SQL server data provider (SQL client) are few other features of this version. To add this, ASP .Net developers also get some new and unique concepts like master pages, personalization services, 64 bit processor supports, complete pre compilation etc which made them more powerful and skilled to develop better websites.
ASP .Net 3.0: It was released on 21st November 2006 with some major feature introductions like windows communication foundation, windows presentation foundation and windows card space etc. Moreover, ASP .Net developers also got some new and improved features like implicit typed local variable, implicitely typed arrays, anonymous types, autoimplimented and lamda expressions to develop better web applications.
ASP .Net 4.0: It has new features like application compatibility and deployment, networking, parallel computing, windows communication foundation and windows workflow foundation to name a few.
ASP .Net 4.5: Here the ASP .Net developers get a portable class libraries and different tools for developing modern web applications. It also enhanced different features of previous versions to accommodate with future demand like parallel computing, windows presentation foundation, windows workflow foundation etc.
ASP .Net 5.0: Here there are few improvements like attribute routing, enum support, bootstrap support, this context etc for the web developers.
From above we see how ASP .Net framework emerged out with time with better feature and more productivity. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom .net development company.
We provide asp.net web development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified .net developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.
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