ASP .Net – A framework for web applications from Microsoft: Well Microsoft has already witnessed its extra ordinary talent through different products for different purposes. Windows operating system was the best ever product in the IT industry. With time, technology depreciates. In 21st century, if anything has seen tremendous growth that is none other than web technology. Almost all sectors are depending on the web technology to enhance their quality and reliability service in the industry. Considering the fact, Microsoft released its most ambitious .net framework that is ASP .Net. ASP .Net developers can develop enterprise standard web solutions not only quicker but also efficiently. The first version of ASP .Net framework was released in 2002 for the web developers and it got a tremendous support from around the world of web developer’s community. It had all the features that are required for any good framework. ASP .Net web developers can build enterprise standard web applications in less time and more accuracy. This gave an overnight success to ASP .Net framework. With time, Microsoft modified the features of ASP .Net framework for better usability and it succeeded to a large extent. Let us have a quick look over the features of different versions of ASP .Net framework. ASP .Net 1.0: This is the first version of ASP .Net framework. It was developed keeping the object oriented programming approach in the mind. It has all the features that any object oriented programming language would have features like inheritance, encapsulation, encryption etc are present in ASP .Net 1.0 version. It also supports reusability concept and polymorphism technology. Moreover data binding and other features are also present in ASP .Net 1.0 framework. This give an awesome platform to all ASP .Net developers to write object oriented web applications using a framework. ASP .Net 1.1: In ASP .Net 1.1, the dot net developers got a new feature for mobile controls. It was released on 24th April, 2003. This version was come along with windows server 2003 and visual studio .net 2003 version. ASP .Net web developers then got a weapon for developing modern web applications using visual studio 2003. This version of ASP .Net has the facility to automatic input validation for the web forms. ASP .Net 2.0: It was released on 7th November, 2005 along with visual web developer express edition, visual studio 2005 and the latest SQL server 2005. It has given some significant new features to the web developers or the ASP .Net developers to develop enterprise standard web applications. It has features like formview data control, grid view control, navigation controls, login controls etc. Moreover, .net remoting, XML and SQL server data provider (SQL client) are few other features of this version. To add this, ASP .Net developers also get some new and unique concepts like master pages, personalization services, 64 bit processor supports, complete pre compilation etc which made them more powerful and skilled to develop better websites. ASP .Net 3.0: It was released on 21st November 2006 with some major feature introductions like windows communication foundation, windows presentation foundation and windows card space etc. Moreover, ASP .Net developers also got some new and improved features like implicit typed local variable, implicitely typed arrays, anonymous types, autoimplimented and lamda expressions to develop better web applications. ASP .Net 4.0: It has new features like application compatibility and deployment, networking, parallel computing, windows communication foundation and windows workflow foundation to name a few. ASP .Net 4.5: Here the ASP .Net developers get a portable class libraries and different tools for developing modern web applications. It also enhanced different features of previous versions to accommodate with future demand like parallel computing, windows presentation foundation, windows workflow foundation etc. ASP .Net 5.0: Here there are few improvements like attribute routing, enum support, bootstrap support, this context etc for the web developers. From above we see how ASP .Net framework emerged out with time with better feature and more productivity. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom .net development company. We provide web development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified .net developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.
The .NET Core is an official Microsoft open source project that is easily found on the github. For this platform, there are presently 3 Microsoft repositories – ASP.NET 5, Dot Net Compiler Platform and Dot Net Core Framework. This is a modular implementation that can be used across various verticals. In addition, it is also available as an open source that can be used on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. For those who are looking forward to use this open source project, there are several aspects that should be kept in mind. Here are some of the features – Modular, Agile Platform: Dot Net was never designed to be modular and the portable class libraries are continuously striving to deal with such issues. Mscorlib is the core of the .NET Framework. It also has features that are in sync with the Windows. It refers to the fact that for every new platform, this framework requires a new core. Similarly, on a new platform a new team is required to build and maintain the framework and its versions. Then there are the portable class libraries that push the platforms closer to each other but the code bases alter. This also creates problems for the compatibility issues as far as different .Net versions on the same platforms are concerned. While adding interface to an existing framework can lead to several problems as the application in question might not receive the right interface. Therefore, overloading the present method can cause issues for a code that was not developed initially to pick the correct process. In order to deal with such issues, the Dot Net team began shipping certain libraries on NuGet instead of including them as part of the framework. This proved to be a grand success. The design that was shipped was more stable and better as compared to the traditional solutions. There is no way in which the .Net framework can be broken up. Hence, when Native is used to create a Store app for the Windows by compiling the dot Net code, the compiler will amalgamate the framework with the app in question and remove those parts that are not required by the app. But it wasn’t modular enough for being applicable in such situations. The new Dot Net Core, however, is a different framework which has been developed to deal with such issues. NuGet – A Perfect Delivery Mechanism: As compared to the earlier version of the framework, the .NET Core platform has been designed to deliver in the form of NuGet packages. This mechanism was adopted by Microsoft as it is here that majority of the library ecosystems are found. In order to offer the latest platform as modular it is required to deliver a set of these packages that are finely grained. It also allows Microsoft to deliver the new platform in an agile form. For instance, if an update is provided for a NuGet package, the NuGet references can be upgraded as well. By utilizing this mechanism, it also helps in removing the differences between expressing 1st and 3rd party dependencies. If you are working with it, there is no need to comprehend the dependency graph. All that you require is to accept the changes that have been made. Such a mechanism for delivery also converts the platform into an app local framework. It Is Perfect for Enterprises: Agile releases and fast upgrades result from the NuGet packages. One of the greatest advantages of the .NET framework is that it all its components are tested and supported by Microsoft. The new platform also has the same feature. Moreover, although it is part of the package but there is no need for the developers to download it every time they want to use the platform. Microsoft provides an offline installer that helps in distribution. This is included within the Visual Studio as well so that it speeds up the creation of the new projects. It also does not need any internet connectivity for the development process. Open source, Cross Platform: The main motto behind making it an open source was to provide a cross platform in a sustainable way. With an open source, the community can be build which plays a significant part in making it successful. Therefore the latest model is a transparent development process that enables the community to participate freely in reading the design documents, code reviews and contributing several changes to the product. Since it is an open source, it can be used for cross platform development as well. This new model provides the developers with choices that the earlier versions lacked. While it becomes increasingly important to develop cross platform apps, the .NET Core can actually help the developers by providing them several opportunities. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom development company. We provide application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our expert developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.
Why mobile site? Change is the biggest rule of nature and we have to accept it. In every sector there must be a change with the flow of time. In fact, this change creates a positive vibe in our environment. Similarly, in IT sector there is always changes happens to make it more human friendly. Technology depreciates at a rapid pace with time like desktop transformed into mobile computers (smart phones and tablets), desktop applications transformed into modern ERP solutions, Mass storage devices are transformed into virtual cloud etc. Similarly the old fashioned desktop web applications are getting transformed into modern web apps for mobiles which are also known as mobile sites. These mobile sites have a tremendous potential to reach at target audience through a large scale of devices including desktops, tablets and smart phones.ASP .Net for mobile site development: Well there are many web application development technologies are available in the market like JSP, PHP, Python, ROR and ASP etc. All of them are best in their respective fields and their purposes. JSP is for huge applications that need both efficiency and speed simultaneously. Similarly, PHP is for low cost web application development. But ASP, the flagship product from Microsoft is having a mix up all the features to develop an enterprise standard mobile application. developers can develop mobile website for any purpose in an efficient and effective manner. The framework is having all the modern amenities that a web developer searches for in an enterprise standard framework. Modern look n feel: An developer can produce a totally new and user friendly web application which can provide great user experience irrespective of platforms and devices. With mobile development, we can have HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery effects in our mobile website. The web developer can develop responsive web application using framework which can fit to any size of screens and resolution. mobile developer can render modern mobile website contents like light weight graphics, canvas and different multimedia files into the mobile website. This provides an enhanced experience to the user within limited resources. Same efficiency: Though, developers can develop mobile websites which are not only light weight but also low resource extensive in nature but it never compromises on the quality and reliability of the web application. The framework provides all the necessary features which when being used by the web developers never trigger to compromise the quality of the end product. Moreover, an mobile website developer can take the help of asynchronous web pages to create dynamic web applications and thereby improving the overall user experience. Web developers can implement AJAX technology to develop enterprise standard modern web applications for the industry. This improves both productivity and efficiency of the application. Microsoft has not left any stone unturned: From above, we can conclude that Microsoft has taken all the necessary steps to develop an industry standard framework i.e. ASP .Net for its customers. ASP .Net has all the features that are required to develop an enterprise standard web solution. You can rely on Microsoft: Well, any product having a brand value of Microsoft doesn’t require any introduction. We can expect a reliable support service for from Microsoft. Moreover there is a billion size community of which can help you out of any unfavourable situation. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom web development company. We provide .net development services. If you would like to talk to one of our expert developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.