Why we need migration? In technical world, migration means modification or improvement. So we take it in a positive way because it is always beneficial for the user as well as industry. In web industry there is always modifications and enhancements happens to meet the expectations of the industry. Tech experts strongly believe upon the migration process to give a new and improved look and feel to any application. Before a decade most of the web applications were developed in ASP. Those applications were not built on ASP .Net framework and hence they lack severely in terms of modern features, look and feel and efficiency. To avoid all these short comings, we should take a step ahead for migration process.
ASP to ASP .Net migration benefits: We have seen many ASP applications being transformed into ASP .Net framework to give modern look and feel to the website. Using ASP .Net framework an ASP .Net developer can take the advantage of the framework in optimising the website to a large extent along with performance boosting. Moreover it will give adequate room to the web developer in developing quick web applications i.e., not only efficient but also effective. It can change the user experience of the entire website with modern and futuristic features like interactive graphics, dynamic web contents and responsive web design etc. Though, it has many benefits as stated above, but it also having some draw backs from the developer’s point of view.
Code compatibility issues: This is the most tedious issue found in any migration process. During the migration from ASP to ASP .Net, the ASP developer will find many blocks of codes creating problems in the application. This is very common because when we migrate to a new platform, we must have to give some extra effort to make it fit into the new environment.
Plugin issue: Well when we migrate from ASP to ASP .Net we have to forget about those old plugins that were integrated to the ASP application. We should find a there up dated versions for the asp .net platform so that we can make our things work perfectly find. If an asp .net developer could not imagine this issue from the very beginning of the migration process then i would say his doing the most foolish job in the industry. So be prepared to deal with those incompatibility issues for the plugins of the application.
You may have to write some extra codes: During the migration process, an asp .net developer must mentally prepared to write some extra codes so as to make the application run smoothly on the new platform without any bugs and unexpected out puts. Most importantly the web developer may have to write the code on behalf of any incompatible plugin of the web application. Sometimes we may have to replace a plugin entirely from the application with our own code.
You may take chance through migration software, but you can’t rely on the same: There is much migration software available for asp to asp.net migration process. We can use any of them but we can’t rely on them because they may decrease our effort to a large extend but can’t eliminate it anyway. So it will be a foolish decision if we think of relying on those softwares. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom .net development company.
We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire asp.net developers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
While dealing with development of any application it is the responsibility of the software developer to keep the security features at the top level in order to get success for the application or product. It becomes even more essential when we deal with web applications like ASP web development projects; because there is a threat of unethical access of your website which may lead to lose the reputation of your application. To avoid this, as a web developer (ASP .net developer), you must take some necessary security measures to avoid all types of threads related to security.
SQL injection: This is the most common way of hackers to take the access of your database. They use to try to fetch the data from your database using various SQL queries. They usually insert these vulnerable queries into the database through different commands from the browser itself and try to get sensitive data of your application or of your user’s from the database. Though asp .net provides many security features to prevent SQL injection but it’s better to learn what SQL injection is and how it works; before you start programming your application.
Cross Site Scripting: This is yet another way of hacking your website using java script. A hacker can hack you user’s data using this technology. Moreover he can get all your cookies values from your browsers which will enable him to login using your credentials that he had hacked from your cookie and can perform any type of unethical work on behalf of you. You must take care of this issue very seriously because this is a sensitive topic from the developer’s point of view.
Proper Cookie implementation: While you are dealing with modern era web application development, as a asp .net developer you must ensure that you are using the users cookie in a very efficient and sensitive manner; because if these cookie value will be accessed by a hacker then that will definitely create a trouble for your users and hence it will impart a bad user experience for your user. So be careful while dealing with cookie in your application.
Use Session: It is a common development feature that every asp .net developer should take care of. Session is something that enables the user of your application to be in contact with your application through a continuous support from the database. It also enables him to feel like a privileged member of your application. It also isolates your user from others with session in the browser. The best part is it enables the user to access only his private data and hence it keeps other’s data invisible for him.
Server side validation: This is yet another way to prevent unnecessary unethical access of your application. A good ASP .Net web developer must validate all the form data in both front end as well as backend programming. This is because, if someone disables JavaScript on the browser, he can enter any value in the form to your database. So, to avoid this you must ensure your application to be quite secure with two tire security from both frontend and backend. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom .net development company.
We provide asp.net application development services. If you would like to hire asp.net developers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
Microsoft- still the king of IT industry: Before three decades, it was Microsoft who dared to introduce an uncertain operating system in the industry i.e., windows; but it received a tremendous and stupendous response from the users from around the globe. Since then the industry respects Microsoft for its daring venture through windows operating system. On the other hand, Microsoft is also trying its best to give maximum care and service to the IT industry through different updates and upgrades of the operating system as well as many other products. It has been dominating the industry since its inception with its unmatched quality and reliability. Hence it is treated as the king of the IT industry even after decades.
ASP .Net a flagship product from Microsoft for better web development: In past century we have seen an overnight growth of web industry in a magical way. To cope with the situation, there are a lot of web domain specific technologies born in past few years like PHP, JSP, Python and ASP etc. ASP .net is a .net framework for asp developers. It is the flagship product from Microsoft to serve the web industry with more accuracy and efficiency to meet the expectations of the industry. Fortunately it performs outstanding for which it is aimed for.
It is highly inflammable now with advanced features: The latest ASP .net framework helps the ASP developers in building enterprise standard web solutions in less time and more efficiency. It is equipped with all modern features that enable the ASP .Net web developer in building futuristic web applications on the fly. The best part is its dual nature i.e. it can be used in developing large web applications like financial web solutions as well as small but efficient web apps for smart computer devices like smart phones and tablets.
You can develop modern web apps using ASP .Net: Well, we cannot ignore the importance of smart operating system in the industry like Android, iOS and windows 8.1. Recently, they have spread like virus. So, how can Microsoft spare them? The ASP .Net framework is well equipped with all modern features to enable you in developing quick web solutions for these platforms. It is providing simulators to test the look and feel of your web application in different platforms like windows 8.1 and android etc. It will definitely encourage ASP .Net developers to put their hands over the web apps for these platforms. Moreover, you can also develop native apps under ASP .Net hood. This makes it a perfect choice for highly motivated web developers of the industry.
It is reliable too: Well, anything related to Microsoft is itself fortunate; isn’t? So, if ASP .Net is an ambitious product from Microsoft, you can imagine an unexpected reliability from it. There are lots of super brains working behind for you to overcome any issue while dealing with complicated application development. Moreover, there are a lots of support communities available 24x7 on the web to help you out from any unfavourable situation within no time. So, you can rely on the service and support of Microsoft without any second thought. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a asp.net application development company.
We provide dot net application development services. If you would like to hire asp.net developers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
Micro Framework yet powerful: One can guess what vNext is, because it is associated with ASP .Net. Well, it may be either a library of ASP .Net or a new version of ASP .Net. Isn’t? Yes, it is a new version or we can say a modified isolated version of ASP .Net to develop modern web applications. It is considerably small and tiny than the full fledged ASP .Net framework. But, it owns all the essential features of ASP .Net along with few major improvements to help the ASP .Net developers in developing future web apps. It is a lightweight and efficient framework for dot Net developers to develop quick web applications. Even though it is tiny but it is having all the features of a fully fledged framework just like its sibling ASP .Net. So, we can say it is tiny Dynamite!!
Creates “Responsive web applications” for modern web browsers: In modern web applications, As a web developer, you can’t ignore the importance of Responsive web development for future handheld computers. We have seen a tremendous growth of handheld computer devices like smart phones and tablets to perform similar tasks as in a desktop PC. Hence, we can say the modern version of desktop PC is smartphones!! Again, due to its internet connectivity through mobile networks like 2G, 3G, 4G LTE or even WiFi, users love to browse internet from anywhere using these devices. So it is now essential for ASP .Net web developers to develop modern web apps for these devices and hence the concept of Responsive web design came into the game. Responsive web application is one which offers the same user experience and look and feel of a web application irrespective of platform, device and screen size or form factor. This is the talk of the web town now!! Fortunately, ASP .Net vNext is empowered with such features to develop enterprise standard responsive web applications.
Optimization matters more in resource constraint environment: Think you want to develop an application that needs just 5% components of a bulky framework like ASP .Net, and then is it wise to use that option!! Rather, web developer should consider a lightweight framework for this purpose; isn’t? Here comes the concept of Optimization i.e. you need an optimized version of ASP .Net which can handle your task efficiently and effectively just like that old heavy ASP .Net framework. This optimized version is none other than ASP .Net vNext!! So, Come On put your hands over this magnificent piece!!
Cloud technology on its core heart: The best part of vNext is it is future proof along with feature rich i.e. it has all the features to deal with the demands of future!! The best part is Cloud Computing!! ASP .Net web developers can use this feature in their application to build future oriented web applications which are not only efficient but also super fast and secure. The end user will jump in joy when he finds this feature in his smart phone app which is having terrific memory issue!!
Ready to meet the expectation of modern mobile users: If a framework is having all modern amenities like Cloud technology, HTML5, CSS3 and Dynamic JavaScript etc that too in a tiny package without compromising on the quality; then it will definitely get honour from the industry and so from web developers; because all these modern features enables them to develop enterprise standard modern web apps on the fly.
The same essence as before: With all such powerful features within a tiny package, the vNext doesn’t lack the essence of reliability and productivity as that of the Original charming ASP .Net framework. So, we must say a big bang for its tremendous future!! To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a asp.net application development company.
We provide dot net application development services. If you would like to hire asp.net developers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
1. String concatenation instead of StringBuilder: When a software developer enters into the industry he has a habit of using string concatenation in asp .net just like he does in C and C++. But here the situation is different. In asp .net when we concatenate a string with a older one the entire new string get transferred to a new location and this process goes on as a result it leads to an inefficient process. To avoid this, there is a StringBuilder i.e., it enables the concatenation process that occur on the same location of the address leading to an efficient programming.
2. LINQ: While dealing with LINQ, programmers usually return the data to the first occurrence using “First” method but sometimes the “First” method doesn’t reside in the program. As a result an exception will be thrown. As a good asp .net developer, you should use “FirstOrDefault” so that the default value for the type will be returned and there will be no exception.
3. Mapping for rewriting properties: While dealing with a big data asp application, the developer many types need to write a property definition repeatedly. In that case as an efficient asp .net developer you should take the help of mapping tools like Automapper etc for more efficiency and accuracy.
4. Not using “using”: Using is a vital key word in C# but many asp .net developers are not aware of the same. It can be used not only for addition of namespaces but also for disposing objects. Though developers usually use it for the first case but they hesitate to use it for the second situation. So you should avoid hesitation to use “using” for disposing objects.
5. Use “foreach” instead of for: When you are aware of the number of elements in the array, you can use for loop. But this is not an efficient way of programming. Because this habit may lead to fatal situation in the course of application development. Hence you should use “foreach” to avoid all types of critical situations.
6. Unnecessary db calls: Usually new asp .net developers make multiple calls to the database unnecessarily while programming in C#. They think it will help in more accurate database operation. But they unaware of the unnecessary load on the server. Hence you must avoid multiple db calls.
7. Misunderstanding default value for uninitialized variables: When we write programme in C#, many times we deal with variables which are uninitialized. While checking the values of those uninitialized variables we think it is a null value but this is not the true case. Because C# adds a value to every uninitialized variables unlike in case of a class.
8. Improper string comparison: Usually new asp .net developers implement “==” operator to compare two strings. But, this is not at all accepted from a good developer. You should use “equals” method for the same.
9. Allowing Complier Warnings: While working with any programming language, developers usually don’t bother much about the warnings. But it is really a bad practice. Before you over look any warning you must know the reason behind. So you should be careful while avoiding any type of warning in your application during compilation.
10. Use exception handler: Usually developers are over confident while programming their application and they forget to implement exception handler in the programme. This is really a bad practice and a good asp .net developer must use exception handler in his application in every required stage. To get maximum benefits of .Net, you may consider hiring services of a custom .net development company.
We provide .net application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified .net developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.