For those wishing to build a remarkably compelling website with the help of an enterprise programming language, .Net is one of the preferred choices. Since the ongoing innovations in cyber technology are ushering in revolutionary changes in the business environment, it is necessary to adopt an exceptionally robust technology. Moreover, on-time support is available in case there is an urgent requirement. The .Net language is capable of catering to all these requisites. A certain amount needs to be paid for purchasing the license for leveraging the technology for commercial purposes. In case you are worrying about the lofty development cost for your business web presence, there is absolutely no need to take stress! Outsource your .Net development project at affordable rates to certified coders.
First, help from the internet should be taken. Virtual media will be immensely helpful for you in the sense that you will be able to find excellent offshore programmers for effective .Net web development. Virtual research is always a good decision, and will facilitate the search for innovative and credible web developers. While you are doing your online research, list down web developers with respect to their performance over the search engine result pages. You can make effective use of the list while proceeding towards your search for experienced coders who can efficiently build you a website through .Net programming.
When the list is created, go for a personal research in order to comprehend the individual background of each developer. While doing so, your major focus should be on understanding the professional acumen of each coder. You can also have a look at exceptional websites built through .Net development. Moreover, you can also consider approaching the earlier clients of the coders to know about the level of commitment and on-time delivery.
Once you come across an exceptionally expert and innovative .Net coder, consider moving towards the next step of hiring. During the process of hiring, try to ensure that the programmers understand the different needs of your website. To expedite this process, you can prepare a document that consists of all you web requirements. Besides this, you can also ask the programmers to acquire Microsoft’s license for using .Net for web development. If this is done, just include a license fee within the complete web development package.
The written contract that you are providing should contain all the requisite conditions regarding your organization’s website. By doing so, chances of miscommunication can be greatly alleviated. Try to include conditions such as minimum communication hours available, least working hours available, chances of discussion with project managers and after sales services. Inclusion of all these terms will ensure that your project is completed seamlessly without any hindrance.
In short you get the following benefits by outsourcing .Net development for your website.
- Flexibility of budget and economic control
- Reduction in operating expenses and capital
- Elimination of the burden to hire or train staff
- Possibility of availing services from any part across the globe
- Delivery of high value solutions
- Reduction in price for end-customer
- Reduction in different costs such as recruitment costs, labor costs, training costs and office renting costs.
- Provision of high quality customer support
- Increase in revenue as well as profit
- Enhancement of .Net development quality
- Boosting the competitiveness of the organization
The major low cost destinations for .Net application development include India and China. For your convenience, get associated with any offshore coding agency for outsourcing the .Net development process. This will assist you in obtaining efficient programmers for developing your web presence. Moreover, .Net developers can also be hired on a long-term basis. In doing so, you will be able to keep the website updated with all the latest technological developments.
We provide .Net development services and we have 100% certification ratio of our developers. All of our developers have cleared industry certifications in .NET. If you would like to hire .net developers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
The .NET framework from Microsoft and the Java from Sun are referred to as the biggest achievements in independent platforms of underlying system. It is also to be noted that .NET framework offers the interesting feature of cross language operability, but presently operates only on Windows. Java, on the other hand, offers a great run on multiple platforms maintaining the focus on Java programming language. Both Java and .NET makes use of machine-independent intermediary program representation to offer target system independence. This particular approach opens multiple chances for runtime optimizations along with managed code execution.
Now, prior to focusing on the choice of .NET over Java, a look into both the platforms are necessary as it would help explore the options better.
Understanding Java Better
Java is credited to be the first platform that allows operation of the same program in a range of computers, irrespective of the architecture and underlying operating system. This language is first of its kind to work in an independent approach completely without the need for re-designing any of the features to render a better support. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the latest introduction of the Java platform that works like an abstract machine featuring a set of instructions and manipulating the various areas of memory during the run time.
A Look into the World of .NET
.NET is one of a kind platform that is known for offering a secured environment for a smooth program run that are probably written in several source language. This particular framework features two principle components that are Common Language Runtime (CLR) and .NET framework Class Library. The .NET framework Class library is an object-oriented compilation of types that can be reused and helps developing applications. On the other hand, the CLR offers an execution support to MSIL code through several features.
Why Choose .NET over Java – 10 Reasons
Well, a look into the worlds of .NET and Java clearly implies the functionalities of the platform in correlation to running a program. Here is a detailed look at the top 10 reasons that favors the choice of .NET over Java among the users:
1. Standardized configuration: configuration of Java is mostly leaned towards property files. Java components do not need to posses configuration through XML files. Contrary to this, .NET is thoroughly infused with XML and the core CLR too possesses the feature of XML parsing libraries. Since, XML is more flexible in comparison to property files, it offers improved standard configuration.
2. Extensible metadata: Java developers have mostly come across the feature Java Reflection System. This particular feature enables a Java class to reveal the methods it includes, the public or private approach, the expected arguments, the member variables within the class, etc. Microsoft’s .NET too involves Reflection ensuring that the feature is defined as an element of the core CLR. Additionally, it also allows programmers to incorporate customized information via a .NET class that can be recovered through .NET reflection APIs.
3. .NET Remoting: .NET remoting is the approach that allows the platform to make objects callable through a network. Alternatively, .NET remoting involves elements common to infrastructure of multi-language interoperability such as CORBA as against RIM. As against to RMI’s focus on only Java centric development, .NET remoting focuses on extensibility and flexibility.
4. Assemblies: These are referred to as a distribution unit of .NET code and are quite similar to the jar files of Java. Assemblies are known to serve a similar purpose; however, are styled differently than jar files. These are the sole unit of distribution for .NET classes since; there is a non-availability of a typical ‘class’ file included on a disk drive as a different entity. Assemblies are actually referred to as ‘harder’ notion than jars, as they feature separate identities in contrast to jar files.
5. Component Oriented Programming: A code written in language that .NET is aware of, by making use of the respective compiler, can be made operational by installing .NETVM on machines. This roughly indicates that a similar logic coded in several recognized .NET languages, following the compilation will generate same IL instructions. The ‘Component Oriented Programming’ allows creation of a ‘component’ in .NET to be used easily by other programmers.
6. Multiple Language Choice: .NET offers a multiple language choice for coding a program generating similar kinds of compiled code. However, in Java, programmer tends to feel restricted with just one language. This makes .NET powerful than Java.
7. Non-Adaptability to New Syntaxes: If you consider running a program through Java, you need to learn new and latest syntaxes that have made way into the platform. However, with .NET, you do not need to adapt to any sort of new syntaxes and it also features a great support of Microsoft.
8. Improved Program Run Speed: If you want to do away with startup delays, .NET stands as an obvious choice. The programs of .NET run at a good speed while, interpretation of Java makes it slower. .NET does not limit you to JIT as you also have the choices of AOT or ahead-of-time compiler.
9. Richer Language Choice: The languages of .NET are richer as compared to Java simply because they come with multiple object oriented features (for instance, delegates, properties, and generics), which are otherwise missing in Java.
10. Calling Native Code is Easier: Java does not involve a clean process of calling native code as it absorbs the generation of stub files making the process complex. On the contrary, .NET allows an easy calling of native code from a particular library and start with the calling process at once.
.NET application development has taken advantage of the above characteristics and helped create programs where the flow is smoother and gain larger competitive advantage over Java.
We provide .NET development services. If you would like to know more about our certified developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.
ASP.Net stands for Active Server Pages developed by Microsoft. It focuses on deploying extremely secure and dependable applications with the best service in terms of connectivity. It leverages the power of Microsoft’s .NET platform to allow writing dynamic, data-driven applications that run over the web. It works as a server side web application framework which designs robust and customized applications with ideal business logic, correct informational flow management and a scalable platform with the ease of deployment.

ASP.Net is in demand for its power and flexibility. It has world class tool support by having WYSIWYG editor and drag-and-drop server controls, which helps in deploying applications automatically. It easily renders simple form submission and client authentication to deployment and site configuration. Every process is closely monitored and managed by the ASP.NET runtime. With each dying process, a new process is created again, which helps in keeping application constantly available to handle requests. The web server plays a major role by continuously monitoring pages, components and applications running on it. If there is any memory leak or infinite loop, it immediately stops those activities and restarts itself. It gives out of the box features like just-in-time compilation, early binding, native optimization and caching services.
The rise of platforms is being driven by three transformative technologies: cloud, social and mobile. ASP.Net platform has rendered cloud, social and mobile based applications. Today, it provides a robust platform for building web applications, including those that target HTML5. The cloud enables a global infrastructure for production, allowing anyone to create content and applications for a global audience. Social networks connect people globally and maintain their identity online. Mobile allows connection to this global infrastructure anytime, anywhere. The result is a globally accessible network of entrepreneurs, workers and consumers who are available to create businesses online available to millions of users.
There have been a lot of improvements made to ASP.NET Web Forms over the many years. The success of a platform strategy is determined by three factors:
- Connection: How easily users can plug into the platform to share and transact.
- Gravity: How well the platform attracts customers, both producers and consumers.
- Flow: How well the platform fosters the exchange and co-creation of value.
ASP.Net is the next level framework used to create enterprise-class web sites, web applications and technologies. It develops customized applications which are accessible on a global basis leading to efficient information management. It makes sure the above three factors are present in all of their applications.
ASP.NET is a leading technology and practices best standards to deliver the right web based solutions for any given budget. It helps update existing website, makes one realize how social business in important to harness any business. It helps to easily set up and advertise any business online. It helps in optimizing any website by search engine optimization thus adding more traffic to websites.
Top Features of ASP.NET what makes it successful
- Compiled Code – ASP.Net provides websites with increased performance by running compiled versus interpreted code.
- Language Support – Supports standard programming languages including Visual Basic, C# and C++. It even supports VBScript and Jscript.
- Strict Coding Requirements – Developers are forced to stick to strict coding standards. This promotes a professional engineering approach to ASP.Net application development.
- Event-Driven Programming Model – All ASP.Net objects on a web page expose events that can be processed by ASP.Net code. Handling events such as Load, click and change via code reduces program complexity and increases organization.
- Third-Party Controls – It has a large base of high-quality third-party controls that can be obtained to significantly speed up development time and reduce cost.
- User Authentication – ASP.Net supports forms-based user authentication, including cookie management and automatic redirection of unauthorized logins.
- Easier Configuration & Deployment – Configuration is done with plain text files which can be uploaded or changed while the application is running. There is no need to restart the web server to affect a change.
- Object and Page Caching – ASP.Net objects and pages can be cached to dramatically increase performance. The caching system is very advanced, allowing one to specify what needs to be cached and what doesn’t and when to recall the cached information rather than perform a new request.
- Higher Scalability – ASP.Net has some great scalability features built into it, including maintaining session state across servers and multi-processor load balancing.
With all the above features, ASP.Net is regarded the next generation platform where every business has benefited from this technology from small to large corporate web application distributed across multiple networks. ASP.NET provides the best possible features which can meet any successful online business.
We provide .net application development services. If you would like to know more about our certified .net developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.
The .Net Development framework offers a number of beneficial services and classes that empower developers to conveniently come up with secure code and allow administrators to tailor the permissions obtained for coding in order to gain access to protected resources. In addition to this, the security model facilitates the use of role-based security and cryptography.
With the advent of the .Net Framework 4, major changes have been made with respect to the code access security structure. The security policy is no more applicable to applications and for all the apps comfortable with desktops; execution is being done in the form of full-trust applications. This includes shared network apps as well as those on the computer. The ones which are partially trusted should be run within a sandbox, for determination of the grant set. Till date, the permission system is being used, the difference being that it is transcended by transparency rules for security.
Changes in the security model of .Net framework
With the .Net Framework 4.5 we have a two-tier security structure for managed applications. A Windows security container is present for running Windows store apps and this ensures limited access to resources. Managed application can be run in a completely trusted manner within the container. So far as the developer is concerned, he has nothing to do for elevation of the privileges from the perspective of CAS or Code Access Security.
Major Security Concepts
The .NET Framework provides security transparency, role-based security and code access security to facilitate handling of security concerns regarding mobile code and to render support that ensures determination of the level of user authorization by the components. These security instruments make use of a consistent, uncomplicated model to enable developers to conveniently use role-based security once they are well-versed with code access security and vice versa. Role-based security and code access security are implemented by means of a common infrastructure that is made available through the common language runtime. Let us discuss some of the major security concepts before we elaborate on role-based and code access security.
- Security permissions: Herein, the runtime makes use of object known as permissions to impose restriction over the managed code. The code is allowed to perform those specific operations for which it has permission.
- Type Security and Safety: Type-safe code accesses only those memory locations for which it has authorization. For instance, the type-safe code is not capable of reading values from the private field of another object. It can access types solely in an allowable, well-defined manner.
- Principal: This implies the role and identity of a user and functions on the behalf of the user. Within the .Net development framework, role based security backs three categories of principals, namely Windows principals, Generic principals and Custom Principals.
- Authentication: It refers to the procedure of discovery and verification of a principal’s identity through examination of the credentials of the users and validation of the same against some kind of authority. The code directly uses the information that is obtained during the authentication process.
- Authorization: This is a process which determines if the principal has permission to carry out a requested action.
Code-Access Security
In the present scenario, vastly networked computer systems have a continuous exposure to code that originates from a variety of probably unidentified sources. The code can be contained in documents, linked to e-mail, or downloaded from the Internet. Unluckily, numerous computer users have firsthand experience of the impacts of malevolent mobile code like worms and viruses, which are capable of destroying or damaging data, thereby costing money and time.
.NET Framework offers security machinery known as code access security, in order to help safeguard computer systems from malevolent mobile code, to facilitate running of code from unknown origin with protection and to aid the prevention of trusted code from accidentally or intentionally compromising security. The Code access security permits code trusting to varying degrees based on the place of origin of the code and other aspects.
It also imposes different levels of trust on code, thereby minimizing the code amount that should be completely trusted for running. Code access security lessens the chances of the concerned code by error-filled or malicious code. In this way, liability is reduced because the set of operations which the code has permission to perform can be specified.
Role-Based Security
Many a time, roles are used in business or financial applications for enforcement of policy. Role-based security of .Net Framework renders support to authorization through making information regarding the Principal, built from a linked identity, which the current thread has. The security support provided herein is extensible and flexible enough for meeting the requirements of a range of applications. Interoperation with accessible authentication infrastructures like COM+ 1.0 Services is also possible along with the creation of a tailor-made authentication system. This security type is specifically compatible for ASP.NET Web applications, primarily processed over the server. But the role-based security suits both the server and the client.
The security model of the .net application development framework ensures secure coding through effective defense strategies. This enables developers to enjoy a great degree of flexibility without compromising on the productivity.
Expert .net developer India teams can leverage the benefits of this amazing framework and help build applications for you. We provide .net development services. If you would like to discuss with one of our lead developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.